15 Articles for Intellectual Property Management |
2 |
Prefatory Notes |
Intellectual Property Activities for Post-Covid-19 Economic Recovery Takashi Tsuno |
4 |
Intellectual Property in the VUCA World Kimiaki Suzuki |
6 |
Patent Application Strategies in the VUCA Era Hiroaki Tsuno |
8 |
Contributed Papers |
The West’s Use of Intellectual Property to Stifle Russia’s Commercial and Private Aircraft Timothy J. Maier & Christopher J. Maier |
10 |
USPTO Attempting to Address Subject Matter Eligibility Issues Chad M. Rink |
14 |
The European Patent System, a Point of Stability in an Uncertain World Stephen Haley |
18 |
Proposal for Improved Priority Claims in Trademarks Uwe Borchert |
22 |
Intellectual Property and Climate Change MitigationTechnologies Dr. Thomas Schlief |
26 |
“AI-Created Inventions : Designating the Inventor for German and European Patent
Applicationst” Dr. Martin Ahr |
32 |
“Actual state of Intellectual Property operations in the post-Corona era at the German and
European Patent Office, in the Courts, as well as in the management of IP-law firms” Jurgen Feldmeier |
36 |
An Effective IPR Model to Protect Corporate Profits ―The right of prior use of technologys Lu Changming |
40 |
Changes in Practice of Chinese Courts’ Handling of IP Dispute Cases in the Covid-19 Pandemic LI Rongxin |
44 |
Government Investment in New Industries and Revision of Legislation Ea Roo Kang |
46 |
Changes by the MZ Generation Inhan Kim |
48 |
Divisional Application Kevin Kim |
50 |
IP Strategy in the Post-Pandemic Era Fang-Yi Chu |
54 |
Recent Developments in Taiwan’s Patent Linkage System Tzu-Lien Ou |
58 |
AIntellectual Property in the VUCA {Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity}World Dr. Rajeshkumar Acharya & Priya Mehta |
62 |
Original Papers |
Intellectual Property at VUCA World Toshifumi Shimada |
66 |
“Industrial Revolution” in Capital Kei Ehara |
68 |
On the Current Situation of IP Litigation Cases in Japan Masayuki Ogura |
70 |
The status of AI-related technologies in terms of intellectual property Takeshi Yoneyama |
78 |
Social Risks Associated with Trademark Applications Takeharu Hirabanyashi |
80 |
Intellectual Property in the New Environment of Value Satoru Hirano |
84 |
Patent Statistics |
88 |
Applications to Japan |
102 |