Contents |
Prefatory Notes |
For Brisk IP Activities of SMEs in Provincial Areas
Takashi Tsuno |
2 |
AI, BD, IoT and IP
Kimiaki Suzuki |
4 |
Recent Measures in IP Dispute in Japan
Hiroyuki Okada |
6 |
Contributed Papers |
A Study on Identifying Ownership of Right and Inventor of AI Creation
Dr. Mitsuyoshi Hiratsuka and Ayuki Saito |
8 |
Patents on Inventions Made by Artificial Intelligence
George Anthony Smith, Jr. |
12 |
Survey of US Patent Law Issues for the Internet of Things
Jacob L. Mangan |
16 |
U.S. Patent Protection for BD, IoT and AI Technologies
R. Burns Israelsen |
20 |
Utilisation of Big Data to Assist in Innovation
Stephen Haley |
24 |
IP and Big Data
Uwe Borchert |
26 |
Will Big Data Help Attorneys in Their Work?
Dr. Thomas Schlief |
30 |
Patentability of IoT in Germany
Dr. Anton K. Pfau |
34 |
INDUSTRIE 4.0 ? A German approach of the Internet of Things
Juergen Feldmeier |
40 |
Software patents in Europe?
Jacques-Philipp Siegel |
44 |
Big Data in Chinese Patent
Zhiqiang Jing |
48 |
Present and Future of Artificial Intelligence:from the viewpoint of patent application
Xu Wei Qun |
50 |
Introducing decision of Supreme Court of Korea in Jan. 19, 2017
Ea Roo Kang |
54 |
Leading IoT
Inhan Kim |
58 |
Eligibility in the 4th Industrial Revolution
Kevin Kim |
60 |
The Future of Artificial Intelligence Supported Intellectual Property Practice
Yao-Ting Huang |
64 |
Protection of Information Technology
Dr. Rajeshkumar Acharya & Girishchandra Tanna |
66 |
Closure of Foreign Route in Singapore’s Patent Regime
Lim Siau Wen |
70 |
Original Papers |
Of the Drawing of a Patent Application (No.1)
Kei Somaya |
74 |
Thinking Intermediate Procedures (No.3)
Kenji Tsuboi |
76 |
JPO’s examination standards for IoT related technology
Takeharu Hirabayashi |
78 |
Future Of Product Process Claim Examination
Hideaki Nakayama |
84 |
International Comparison on Technology Balance
Dr.Kei Ehara |
86 |
Remarks on the Establishment of Towa Nagisa Institute of Strategic Management
Satoru Hirano |
90 |
1st Advisors Meeting of Towa Nagisa Institute of Strategic Management
Takashi Tsuno |
94 |
Patent Statistics on SMEs in Japan |
98 |
15 Articles for Intellectual Property Management
Towa Nagisa International Patent Firm |
104 |