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  3. SHIMADA Toshifumi


SHIMADA ToshifumiPrint

Profile of Attorney at Law/Patent Attorney

Shimada Toshifumi


  • No.7073 (Attorney at Law)
  • No.20895 (Patent Attorney)

Partner Attorney of Legal Profession Corporation CastGlobal
Chairman of CastGlobal IP China

Practice areas: Japan/China/ASEAN

○Anti-Counterfeiting Measures
○Litigation relating to intellectual property, Trials for Invalidation
○Compliance, Subsidiary management
○Investigation (Investigate the assets and the financial resources, etc.)
○Other general corporate legal affairs


○Graduated from the School of Law of Waseda University in 2004.
○Graduated from the Chuo Law School in 2006.
○In 2007, registered as an attorney at law.
○Engaged in Chinese intellectual property, survey, legal affairs in Shanghai from 2011 to 2015.
○Japan Patent Office consultant on trials and appeals in 2016.
○In 2016, registered as a patent attorney.